This body of work engages with the ethicalimplications of cognisance and perception. If we become what we focus our attention on, how do we maintain a sense of agency and moral integrity when it's blindingly clear that a reckless addiction to our petrochemical privileges hastens irreversible climate chaos?
Those with Eyes to Seethe, 2023 Mistints, molasses, pomegranates on foam panel, 60 x 120 cm.
Communications Breakdown, 2024, Mixed media on foam panel, 61.5 x 63 cm
Gangster of Love, 2023, Mixed media on foam panel, 61 x 62 cm
Party Like it's 2024, 2024, Mixed media on foam panel, 61 x 63cm
Self Portrait as the Heart of Darkness with Harmonica, 2023, Mixed media on foam panel, 62 x 64 cm
Mantic Vision, 2023, Mixed media on foam panel, 61 x 50cm